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China's Criminal Law is likely to include a new charge of 'driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner', the Legal Evening News reported. It is rumored that drunk driving is included in the draft 8th amendment to China's criminal law to be discussed by the National People's Congress Standing Committee in late August.
China's Criminal Law is likely to include a new charge of 'driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner', the Legal Evening News reported. It is rumored that drunk driving is included in the draft 8th amendment to China's criminal law to be discussed by the National People's Congress Standing Committee in late August.

据《法制晚报》报道,危险驾驶罪或将写入刑法。醉酒驾车已写入第八次刑法修正草案,并于本月下旬提交全国人大常委会审议。据了解,危险驾驶罪将醉酒驾驶机 动车、违法高速驾驶机动车竞逐、超载等严重危害公共安全的交通违法行为纳入其中。2009年8月15日,公安部在全国发起了为时2个月的整治酒后驾车专项 行动。


据《济南时报》报道,卫生部15日公布检测结果,证明圣元奶粉中的性激素含量并未超 标。之前曾有报道称,圣元奶粉导致女婴性早熟。有消息称,在过去的一周中,圣元公司损失超20亿元人民币。而更令人不安的是,消费者对包括圣元在内的国产 奶粉的信任度受到重创。分析人士预计,“早熟门”事件的负面影响至少会持续一年。


美国《外交政策》杂志日前公布了“2010全球城市指数”排名结果,中国有7个城市 上榜。杂志依据不同的衡量标准,包括影响力、文化、创新及综合实力,对65个主要城市进行分析并排名。在2010年指数排名中,纽约排名第1,中国香港排 名第 5,北京排名第15,中国台北第39。此外,上海排名第20位、广州第57、深圳第62、重庆第65位。




据美联社消息,特雷西•麦克格雷迪周一以自由人的身份与底特律活塞队签订了一份为期 一年、年薪1300万美元的合同。今年31岁的后卫麦蒂去年在纽约尼克斯队因为膝伤仅出战24场,场均只有9.4分。麦蒂效力过的球队有多伦多猛龙队、奥 兰多魔术队和休斯顿火箭队。但麦蒂效力过的球队从未进入过季后赛次轮。

飞机坠毁 载131人仅1人遇难

据英国《卫报》报道,昨日一架波音737客机遇到暴风雨,在哥伦比亚的圣安德烈斯岛 坠毁,机身断裂为三截,仅有一名乘客因心脏病发作而死亡。这架飞机承载着121名乘客,6名机组人员,在距离圣安德烈斯岛跑道80米处疑似被闪电击中,遂 紧急迫降,滑进了跑道。该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。唯一的死难者为68岁 的阿马尔•费尔南德斯•德•巴雷托,其被怀疑在被送往医院的路上死于心脏病。还有数十名乘客也被送往医院接受治疗,其中5人情况严重。


据法新社报道,女子组合“无天使”的前成员、28岁的歌手娜嘉•贝奈萨于周一在达姆 施塔特的法庭上为其向性伴侣隐瞒艾滋病病情而含泪道歉。她因被控对他人进行严重的人身伤害而受审,但否认故意传染艾滋病病毒。案件记录显示她自2000年 至2004年间与3人发生5次性行为,均没有采取保护措施,也没有告诉他们其感染有艾滋病。后来,其中一人发现他被感染,但至于是否为贝奈萨所致,尚无定 论。如被判有罪,贝奈萨将面临6个月到10年的监禁。




据《重庆晚报》报道,一位年轻女子因为不满丈夫送自己丰乳霜作为礼物而提出离婚。刘 劲和杨梅结婚3年,关系还不错。一个月前,刘劲一时无聊,在自己博客上转载了几张衣着暴露、身材霸道的美女图片,杨梅见了很不高兴,两人发生争吵,随后陷 入冷战。为打破僵局,刘决定送老婆一份礼物“投其所好”。杨梅虽皮肤白皙长相清秀,但发育不好,在大学时还经常被取笑为“太平公主”。后来,追求完美的杨 梅曾尝试多种丰胸方法,但效果均不明显。刘劲托朋友从国外带了一套价值2000多元的纳米丰乳霜。但杨梅对此并不领情,怪丈夫嫌弃她,俩人又发生争吵,开 始分居,最后杨提出离婚。(为保护当事人隐私,名字作了更改)


据英国《每日邮报》报道,西蒙•坎希克因为对电视台发布的天气预报的准确率感到失 望,干脆自办家庭气象站。今年47岁的会计师西蒙•坎希克,家住北约克郡的达格尔比村。他花了1000英镑购置气象测量设备,安装在自家屋顶烟囱旁边,并 通过互联网发布当地气象信息。他给气象站起名为“达格尔气象站”,提供24小时当地的气象预报,网站数据每3秒钟自动更新一次。坎希克的天气预报准确率丝 毫不输官方,村民们都喜欢从达格尔气象网站获取最新的天气资讯。


Drunk driving to be made a crime

China's Criminal Law is likely to include a new charge of 'driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner', the Legal Evening News reported. It is rumored that drunk driving is included in the draft 8th amendment to China's criminal law to be discussed by the National People's Congress Standing Committee in late August. The new offence targets drunk driving, illegal car racing and vehicle overloading - all seen as major threats to road safety. On August 15, 2009, the Ministry of Public Security launched a 2-month campaign to curb drunk driving.

Synutra hit by scandal

The Ministry of Health announced Sunday that an investigation showed the amount of sex hormones in Synutra milk powder did not exceed the permitted amount, the Jinan Times reported. Earlier reports claimed Synutra milk powder had caused baby girls to show signs of premature sexual development. Sources said that, during the past week, the company suffered losses of around 2 billion yuan due to the scandal. More seriously, customer confidence in domestic milk brands like Synutra has been badly dented. Analysts estimate the negative influence of this incident will at least last a year.

China 7 make Global Cities Index

Seven Chinese cities have been included in the 2010 Global Cities Index compiled by the American journal Foreign Policy. To create this year's rankings, the magazine analyzed 65 major cities using several criteria, including influence, culture, innovation and overall strength. In the 2010 Global Cities Index, New York ranked 1st; Hong Kong 5th; Beijing 15th and Taipei 39th. Shanghai ranked 20th; Guangzhou 57th; Shenzhen 62nd and Chongqing 65th.

China volleyed by Brazil

The Chinese women's volleyball team was whitewashed 3-0 by Brazil on Monday in the Macao Grand Prix FIVA World League 2010. The scores in the three sets were 12-25, 19-25 and 19-25. Brazil became champions for the third time in a row with an unbeaten record. China came second with four points after winning one game and losing two, Xinhua reported.

T-Mac in one-year deal with Pistons

Tracy McGrady signed a one-year free agent deal worth 1.3 million dollars with the Detroit Pistons on Monday, AP reported. The 31-year-old guard struggled with knee injuries in 24 games for the New York Knicks last season, averaging only 9.4 points. McGrady's former teams have included Toronto, Orlando and Houston. He has never played for a team that has advanced past the first round of the NBA playoffs.

All but one survive jet crash

A Boeing 737 passenger jet crashed and broke into three pieces after landing during a storm on San Andres island in Colombia yesterday, but the only fatality was a passenger who died from a heart attack.

A Boeing 737 passenger jet crashed and broke into three pieces after landing during a storm on San Andres island in Colombia yesterday, but the only fatality was a passenger who died from a heart attack, the Guardian reported. The plane, carrying 121 passengers and six crew members, was 80 meters from the San Andres island runway when a suspected lightning strike caused it to land short and slide onto the runway. The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calling it a miracle. The sole fatality, Amar Fernandez de Barreto, 68, died of a suspected heart attack on the way to hospital. Dozens of passengers were taken to hospital - five in a serious condition.

Pop star confesses in HIV trial

Nadja Benaissa, 28, former singer in the girl band No Angels made a tearful courtroom apology Monday in Darmstadt, Germany, for keeping her HIV status a secret from sexual partners, AFP reported. But she denied intending to infect anyone, as she stood trial for grievous bodily harm. According to the charge sheet, she had unprotected sex on five occasions between 2000 and 2004 with three men and did not tell them she was infected. One of them subsequently found out that he also had the virus, but it remains to be established whether having sex with Benaissa infected him. If convicted, Benaissa faces between six months and 10 years in prison.

James Cameron marks birthday in sub

Avatar director James Cameron celebrated his 56th birthday on Monday by diving beneath the surface of the world's deepest lake, Lake Baikal, in the Mir-1 submersible he used to film the wreck of the Titanic, Reuters reports. He spent several hours underwater in the lake.

Breast cream leads to marriage bust

A young woman filed for divorce after her husband gave her a present of breast enhancement cream, the Chongqing Evening News reports. Liu Jin and Yang Mei had been happily married for 3 years until, one month ago, Liu Jin posted pictures of busty, scantily-clad women on his blog. This upset Yang Mei and an argument led to a "cold war." To break the ice, Liu decided to give his wife what he thought would be an appropriate present. Yang is beautiful, but has small breasts, and was mocked by classmates in college as the "Flat Princess." She, tried many times to enlarge her bust, but without success. After asking advice from a friend Liu bought her some overseas-made "nano-technology" bust-enhancement cream that cost over 2000 yuan. But his wife took it as a sign he was unhappy with her body, they fought again, separated, and Yang finally asked for a divorce. (Names have been changed to protect privacy)

One-man weather forecasts beat TV

Simon Cansick was so fed up with inaccurate television weather forecasts that he decided to set up his own weather station, the Daily Mail reports. The 47-year-old accountant, who lives in the North Yorkshire village of Duggleby, spent £1,000 on meteorological equipment, fixed it on his roof and began issuing local weather forecasts on the Internet. His website,, offers predictions for the next 24 hours and is automatically updated every three seconds. It is so accurate that everyone in the village gets the latest forecast from rather than the UK's national weather service.