help improving your chinese

lesson 69


China will explore ways of recruiting civil servants from a pool of community cadres, highly rated workers and farmers in 2011 and will pilot in primary units of some departments directly under the central committee.
China will explore ways of recruiting civil servants from a pool of community cadres, highly rated workers and farmers in 2011 and will pilot in primary units of some departments directly under the central committee.

据《京华时报》报道, 2011年,我国将积极探索从村(社区)干部、优秀工人、农民中考录公务员的办法,并选择一些中央直属部门的基层单位进行试点,这是2011年度国家公务 员考录工作的三项改革创新举措之一。另外两项创新举措为:录用具有2年以上基层工作经历人员的比例将从2010年度的70%提高到85%以上,有条件的机 关可以全部从具有2年以上基层工作经历的人员中考录;大学生“村官”等服务基层项目人员报考公务员,报考职位不受限制,但不再享受加分等优惠政策。


据英国广播公司报道,由特恩斯市场研究公司进行的一项研究显示,数字信息源正取代电 视、收音机、报纸,成为世界上61%网络用户的首选媒体渠道。特恩斯公司为做此项研究采访了46个国家的5万名消费者。研究发现,马来西亚人社交网站上的 朋友最多,平均有233名,而日本人的社交网站朋友最少,平均只有29人。中国人在社交网站的平均朋友数为68人。马来西亚人也是社交网站最忠实的用户, 每周要在上面平均花费9小时。此项研究还发现,消费者在社交网站上比在电子邮件上花费的时间更多,这种趋势某种程度上是由移动网络的兴起助长的。



化学气体泄漏 90人住院

据新华社报道,周六,江西新余高科技园区一家化学工厂的管道泄漏酸性刺激气味的工业 气体,致使90人住院。工厂附近的一些居民感到眼睛疼痛,另一些人则产生恐慌,搬离市区。工厂运营单位前卫化工有限公司并未及时报告泄漏事故,致使应急反 应延误。据新华社报道,周六,江西新余高科技园区一家化学工厂的管道泄漏酸性刺激气味的工业气体,致使90人住院。工厂附近的一些居民感到眼睛疼痛,另一 些人则产生恐慌,搬离市区。工厂运营单位前卫化工有限公司并未及时报告泄漏事故,致使应急反应延误。




据《华商报》报道,世界上第一部3D情色电影《3D肉蒲团之极乐宝鉴》有望为香港吸 引大陆游客。这部电影集结了香港演员何华超、雷凯欣以及日本成人女星原纱央莉和周防雪子,正在香港紧张制作,计划在明年“五一”三天长假的第一天公映。由 于本片无望在内地上映,许多大陆的旅行社瞄准商机,计划把本片也作为“五一”长假赴港游的一个项目。西安的一家旅行社证实他们正在制定相关计划。


据英国《每日邮报》报道,摄影师卢克•盖斯布勒和他7岁大的儿子马克斯自制“气球飞 船”发射升空,捕捉到太空景色。它是由气球、iPhone手机、高清摄像机和外卖餐盒为材料制成的,于今年8月从纽约州的纽堡市附近发射。在102分钟的 飞行中,气球成功到达距地面19英里(约30公里)的平流层上部,接着,气球爆裂,密封舱通过降落伞在地面着陆。盖斯布勒利用iPhone手机的GPS系 统,找到挂在树上的密封舱,同时发现了LED闪光灯。


据美国《纽约邮报》报道,近日,美国康涅狄格州的23岁男子罗德里克•里维斯在西部 天堂大街袭击了一名警察。在遭到一只警犬撕咬后,他竟然反过来把警犬咬伤了。据悉,7日清晨,里维斯在西部天堂大街上突然向警察司各特•布卢姆靠近,高喊 着:“我要一袋天使粉(一种致幻剂)”,随后便把手伸进布卢姆的腰带里摸索。就在布卢姆抓住他的胳膊制止时,却被里维斯一拳打在脸上。布卢姆的警犬“玛 瑙”从警车上跳下来扑向里维斯,在其腿上撕咬。冷人震惊的是,里维斯居然“以牙还牙”,狠狠地咬在警犬身上,直到被布卢姆强行拉开才松口。报道称,里维斯 已被控袭警、扰乱治安和虐待动物,而受伤的布卢姆和他的警犬“玛瑙”正在接受治疗。


不孕妇女怀孕将成为现实。据英国《星期日快报》报道,继子宫移植已在动物实验中取得 成功后,不孕妇女两年内即可接受子宫移植手术。捐赠子宫可以来自那些脑死亡患者、活着的捐赠人甚至具有血缘关系的亲属,因为近亲移植可以最大化减少排异的 风险。通过移植的捐赠子宫孕育的婴儿必须通过剖腹产手术接生。手术同时,捐赠子宫必须摘除。手术一旦成功,意味着男人也能移植女性捐赠者的子宫而怀孕。但 研究专家迪亚兹•加西亚博士坚持说:“我们绝不会在这一领域进行研究。”




Farmers can be civil servants

China will explore ways of recruiting civil servants from a pool of community cadres, highly rated workers and farmers in 2011 and will pilot in primary units of some departments directly under the central committee, the Beijing Times reports. It is one of three innovative measures for the upcoming 2011 civil service exam. Also, instead of 70 percent in 2010, the government wants more than 85 percent of its new civil-service workers recruited in 2011 to have at least two years of experience, and the proportion in certain governmental organs will be 100 percent if possible. College graduates who work as village officials can apply for any civil service position, but preferential policies for them, such as bonus points, will be deprived.

Social networks changing life

A study conducted by TNS Market Research has found that digital sources are overtaking TV, radio and newspapers as the media channel of choice for 61 percent of the online population around the world, the BBC reports. The firm interviewed 50,000 consumers in 46 countries. The study found Malaysians have the most online friends, an average of 233 on their social networks, while Japanese users have the fewest, an average of just 29. Chinese have an average of 68 online friends. Malaysians are also the heaviest users of social networking sites, spending an average of nine hours per week on them. The study found that consumers are now spending more time using social networking sites than e-mail. The trends are fuelled in part by the rise in mobile net access.

Pizza Hut sold tainted beverages

A Pizza Hut restaurant in Shanghai sold metal-tainted beverages to customers that caused a 3-year-old boy to become seriously ill, the People's Daily reported. The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers. However, Pizza Hut only agreed to provide a 1,000 yuan voucher as compensation.

Chemical spill sickens 90

Acid industrial gas with a pungent odor leaked from the pipes of a chemical plant in a hi-tech park in the city of Xinyu in Jiangxi Province on Saturday, causing 90 people to be hospitalized, Xinhua reported. Some nearby residents felt their eyes hurting while others panicked and rushed out of the city. Qianwei Chemical Co., Ltd, the operator of the plant, did not report the accident immediately, which caused a delay in the response of the emergency services.

Noisy students stabbed

On the evening of Sept. 30, nine students from Liaoning Advertising Vocational College had dinner together after their college sports meeting, the Modern Express reported. Six of them were stabbed and seriously injured by two men sitting beside them, and apparently the motive for the attack was because they were too noisy. All were still in critical situation by the afternoon of October 7. Police are investigating.

Erotic HK movie to attract tourists

The world's first 3-D erotic movie, '3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy' is expected to attract mainland tourists to Hong Kong. The movie, which stars Hong Kong actors Ho Wah Chiu and Vonnie Lui as well as Japanese adult video actresses Saori Hara and Yukiko Sou, is in production in Hong Kong and is slated for release on May 1st next year.
The world's first 3-D erotic movie, 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy is expected to attract mainland tourists to Hong Kong. The movie, which stars Hong Kong actors Ho Wah Chiu and Vonnie Lui as well as Japanese adult video actresses Saori Hara and Yukiko Sou, is in production in Hong Kong and is slated for release on May 1st next year.

The world's first 3-D erotic movie, 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy is expected to attract mainland tourists to Hong Kong, China Business View reports. The movie, which stars Hong Kong actors Ho Wah Chiu and Vonnie Lui as well as Japanese adult video actresses Saori Hara and Yukiko Sou, is in production in Hong Kong and is slated for release on May 1st next year, the first day of the three-day May Day holiday. Since the movie is not likely to be shown on the mainland, many tour agencies see a business opportunity and are planning to put the movie on their list of Hong Kong attractions. A tourism agency in Xi'an confirmed they are already making plans.

Father and son film outer space

Photographer Luke Geissbuhler and his seven-year-old son Max designed a balloon craft and launched it into space to capture video footage, the Daily Mail reported. The craft was constructed from a takeaway box attached to a weather balloon and equipped with an iPhone and a high-definition video camera. They launched from Newburgh, New York in August. During a 102-minute flight it reached an altitude of 19 miles, which is the upper stratosphere, before the balloon burst and parachuted back to Earth. Geissbuhler tracked the module, which was caught in a tree, by using the GPS system on the iPhone and spotted its flashing LED light.

Man bites police dog

When Roderick Lewis, a 23-year-old resident of West Haven, Conn., was bitten by a police dog after he attacked an officer, he bit the dog back, the New York Post reports. Lewis allegedly approached a police officer on a West Haven street early Thursday morning and yelled out "I need a bag of dust," referring to the drug phencyclidine, also known as angel dust or PCP. Lewis walked toward the officer, Scott Bloom, and reached into his waistband. When Bloom grabbed the man's arms to restrain him, Lewis punched the officer in the face. Onyx, the police dog, jumped from Bloom's vehicle and attacked Lewis, latching onto his leg, but Lewis bit back -- he chomped down on the dog's side and did not release his bite until Bloom pulled him off the dog. Lewis was charged with assault on a police officer, disorderly conduct and cruelty to animals, while Bloom and Onyx were treated for their injuries.

Womb transplant closer to reality

Infertile women may soon be able to conceive. Scientists are within two years of being capable of womb transplants after successful animal trials, the Sunday Express reported. Wombs could be harvested from people who are brain dead, living donors or even relatives to minimize the risk of rejection. However, a transplanted human womb would be unlikely to withstand labor, so a C-section birth would be required, and the womb could be removed at the same time. The work has raised the prospect of creating a male pregnancy with a donor uterus and fertility treatment, however, Dr. Cesar Diaz-Garcia, a key researcher, said they are not carrying out work in this area.

Wrong toilets can confuse kids

A team of psychological experts say children taken to the wrong toilets may become confused about their sexual identity, the Guangzhou Daily reported. They say mothers should not take their sons to the lady's room and fathers should not take their daughters to the men's room. The experts say children above 2 years old have already begun to develop their sexual identity and should be allowed to go to the toilet by themselves.