help improving your chinese

lesson 61


Scientists from Virginia found that dieters can lose an average of 5 pounds extra if they drink two cups of water three times a day before meals, BBC reported.
Scientists from Virginia found that dieters can lose an average of 5 pounds extra if they drink two cups of water three times a day before meals, BBC reported.

据英国广播公司报道,来自弗吉尼亚的科学家们发现,瘦身人士如果在一日三餐前喝两杯水,就能平均多减轻5磅的体重。他们用12周的时间在48位55岁到 75岁的人身上试验此理论。 48人被分为两组:第一组一直吃低卡路里的食物,饭前不多饮水;第二组也是吃低卡路里的食物,但每顿饭前多饮两杯水。12周后,喝水的人减掉约15.5磅 的体重,而其他人则减轻约11磅。此研究的发起人、来自弗吉尼亚理工的布伦达·戴维博士表示水之所以如此顶用是因为水这种液体能把胃填满,但不含任何卡路 里。


据新华社报道,一辆香港旅游团巴士昨天被一名遭解雇的菲律宾警官劫持,并于当晚以9 名人质死亡而血腥收场,劫持者也被击毙。香港特区行政长官曾荫权就此批评菲律宾当局对劫持事件处置不力。周二,香港所有政府机构下半旗哀悼遇难同胞。菲律 宾总统贝尼尼奥·阿基诺三世表示,当局将就整个营救局势恶化的原因展开调查。由于全球媒体对警方强攻进行了现场直播,其影响也将纳入调查范围。


据英国广播公司报道,33名被困井下17天的智利矿工至少还要等4个月才能获救。救 援人员是在将探测器放入井中后与矿工们取得联系的。报道称,被困的矿工们从地下近700米处传上来一张纸条,说所有人都还活着。负责营救任务的工程师表 示,他们将用重型钻孔机在圣何塞金铜矿开挖一个新矿井,而开挖工程至少需要120天。救援人员计划将装有水和食物的胶囊通过一个已经钻好的窄洞送到井下, 照相机等通讯设备也将随之下井。这些矿工自8月5日主进口隧道塌陷后一直被困井下。


法新社援引《外交政策》杂志称美国前总统吉米·卡特不日将访问朝鲜,以确保朝方释放 美国人艾贾龙·马利·戈梅斯。戈梅斯四月在朝鲜被判处八年劳改。美方已多次表示对戈梅斯健康状况的关注。朝鲜国家媒体于七月称戈梅斯自杀未遂,在医院接受 治疗。戈梅斯现年30岁,曾在韩国任英文教师,于一月因从中国非法进入朝鲜境内而被捕。


据英国广播公司报道,巴基斯坦政府开始调查发生在东部城市锡亚尔科特众人残酷处死两 个未成年兄弟的事件。发生在8月15的私刑场面被拍摄了下来,惹怒了巴基斯坦民众。视频中显示一群人用棍子和金属丝殴打两少年,后来将他们悬在铁梁上,其 间,两少年一直在喊冤。而警察和围观者却无动于衷,袖手旁观。官员们表示众人误以为两兄弟是盗贼。


据河南大河网报道,上周四一名男子欲将与二奶签署的包养协议做公证,被新郑市公证处 拒绝。该男子45岁,已婚,是一家建筑公司老板,跟他一起的是一位年轻漂亮的女孩,22岁,刚刚大学毕业,是公司的一名下属。他们的协议中规定,周先生应 当资助王的弟弟读完大学,还要以王的名义,在新郑市某繁华地段购买一套价值超30万元的房子,但王得为周老板“工作五年”。公证处最终拒绝了两人的公证请 求,称这份协议不仅违背了社会道德,也违反了《婚姻法》。




据ESPN消息,NBA水货状元夸梅·布朗与飞人迈克尔·乔丹再度合作,让无数的 NBA观察家大跌眼镜。据报,布朗与乔丹的夏洛特山猫队已经签约,这名9年级的水货状元下一赛季的报酬仅仅为130万美元。2001年,时为华盛顿奇才队 老板的乔丹看中了布朗,使得布朗成为联盟史上第一个高中生状元,但是新秀布朗的糟糕表现将这一场联姻变成了灾难。




据《第一财经日报》报道,腾讯公司昨日宣布,已经与中国最大的社区软件平台及服务商 康盛创想达成收购协议。这项超过6000万美元的收购近期完成之后,康盛创想将成为腾讯的全资子公司。康盛创想旗下的Discuz!是全球范围内最受欢迎 的的社区软件平台,拥有超过140万家网站用户。




据美联社报道,周日在马萨诸塞州布拉克顿市,一条3英尺长的短吻鳄,颈部带有一个运 动项圈,在街道上漫无目的地爬行。消防员斯科特·赫斯特发现这只本不该在此出现的灰褐色的鳄鱼时,它正悄悄地爬过十字路口。赫斯特称,他拎起鳄鱼的项圈和 尾巴,并用长绳捆住它的嘴,将它放进了他的货车后箱。一名动物控制监督委员称,这只短吻鳄应该是家养宠物,因为它带有项圈,不过他表示并不指望有人来认 领。


Drinking water helps dieting

Scientists from Virginia found that dieters can lose an average of 5 pounds extra if they drink two cups of water three times a day before meals, BBC reported. They tested the theory on 48 adults aged 55 to 75, split into two groups, over 12 weeks. The first group followed a low-calorie diet but did not drink any extra water before meals. The second group followed the same low-calorie diet but drank two cups of water before each meal. Over the course of 12 weeks, those drinking water lost about 15.5 pounds while the others lost about 11 pounds. Dr. Brenda Davy, senior author of the study, from Virginia Tech University, said the reason water may be so effective is because it fills up the stomach with a liquid that has no calories.

9 HK hostages killed in Manila

The hijack of a bus carrying a Hong Kong tour group by a sacked Filipino policeman ended Monday night with the deaths of nine tourists and the hostage taker, Xinhua reports. Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang later criticized the handling of the siege by the Philippine authorities. On Tuesday, all government offices in Hong Kong flew flags at half-mast in mourning for the victims. Philippine President Benigno Aquino III said there would be an investigation into what caused the situation to deteriorate, including the role of the media. The violent final stages of the siege were beamed live by global news channels.

4-month dig to free Chilean miners

It will take at least four months to rescue the 33 miners trapped underground in Chile, the BBC reported. Rescuers made contact with the miners 17 days after they were trapped by lowering a probe into the mine. The miners, stuck in a mine shaft shelter some 700m down, sent up a note saying they were alive. The engineer in charge of the rescue operation said a more powerful drill would be needed to dig a new shaft at the San Jose gold and copper mine, and the dig would take at least 120 days. Rescuers plan to send plastic tubes containing food, water, cameras and communications equipment down a narrow borehole already drilled. The men have been trapped since August 5 when the mine's main access tunnel collapsed.

Carter to visit N. Korea to free US man

Former US President Jimmy Carter is planning to visit North Korea within days to secure the release of an American man, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, who was sentenced in April to eight years of hard labor there, the AFP reported citing Foreign Policy. The US has repeatedly voiced concern about the health of Gomes. North Korea state media said in July that Gomes tried to commit suicide and was being treated in hospital. Gomes, a 30-year-old former English teacher in South Korea, was arrested in January for illegally crossing the country's border with China.

Pakistan looks into lynching of brothers

Pakistan's government has launched an inquiry into the brutal killing by a mob of two teenaged brothers in the eastern city of Sialkot, BBC reported. The Aug. 15 lynchings were captured on video and have outraged Pakistanis. In the footage, the youths protest their innocence as they are beaten with sticks and wires by a group of men before being strung up on metal poles. Police officers and other onlookers did nothing. Officials say the mob mistook the brothers for robbers.

No notary for boss and mistress

A construction boss from Xinzhen City in Henan has been foiled in an attempt to register his relationship with his mistress, reports. 45-year-old Mr Zhou, who is married, went to a Xinzhen notary's office last Thursday accompanied by his glamorous 22-year-old mistress, Ms Wang, who is a recent graduate and an employee of his company. They wanted to notarize a deal under which Zhou would help Wang's younger brother through college and buy her an apartment valued at no less than 300,000 yuan. In return, Wang would "work" for Zhou for at least five years. But the notary's office refused the request, saying it not only offended social morality, but also violated the Marriage Law.

Jackson murder case delayed to 2011

A key court hearing detailing the manslaughter charges against Michael Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, has been pushed back to Jan. 4, 2011, Reuters reported.
A key court hearing detailing the manslaughter charges against Michael Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, has been pushed back to Jan. 4, 2011, Reuters reported.

A key court hearing detailing the manslaughter charges against Michael Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, has been pushed back to Jan. 4, 2011, Reuters reported. The hearing had been expected later this year, but the judge said Monday there were issues related to the availability of witnesses and the ongoing investigation into Jackson's death.

Kwame Brown, Bobcats agree deal

To the surprise of many NBA observers, Kwame Brown and Michael Jordan are together again, ESPN reports. Brown has reportedly signed with Michael Jordan's Charlotte Bobcats in a deal which will earn the 9-year veteran a minimum wage of US$1.3 million next season. In 2001, Brown became the first high-schooler in league history to be drafted No.1 overall when Jordan, then-president of Washington Wizards picked him, but the rookie's subsequent underachievement turned into a disaster for both of them.

Chinese sportswear prices up

Chinese sportswear maker Xtep has raised the price of its shoes by an average of 6.6 percent and its clothes by 13.9 percent, following the example of Lining and Anta earlier this year, China Business News reported Tuesday. Price hikes seem to be becoming the weapon of choice for companies to boost their performance.

Tencent snaps up Discuz!

Tencent announced on Aug. 23 that it has agreed a take-over deal with China's largest online community software company Comsenz. When the more-than US$60 million deal completes, Comsenz will become a fully-funded subsidiary of Tencent, China Business News reported. Comsenz operates Discuz!, the world's most popular platform for online community construction, with more than 1.4 million subscribers.

Bambook to sell for 999 yuan

Shanda Literature, a unit of Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited, announced yesterday that its electronic reader - the Bambook - will go on the market on Sep. 28, and will retail at 999 yuan, Beijing News reports. Shanda said customers can reserve a Bambook by paying a 200 yuan deposit. The average price of big brand e-readers is about 2,000 yuan.

Alligator found crossing the street

A three-foot alligator, sporting a collar around its neck, has been found wandering aimlessly in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Firefighter Scott Hurst spotted the out-of-place reptile Sunday as it quietly crossed a street, AP reported. Hurst said he lifted the gator by its collar and tail and used a bungee cord to tie it up in the back of his pickup truck. An animal control supervisor said the alligator is clearly a pet because of its collar, but he doesn't expect anyone to claim it.