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lesson 51





Foxconn said it was implementing a 100 percent pay rise, but most employees have little chance of seeing the cash.
Foxconn said it was implementing a 100 percent pay rise, but most employees have little chance of seeing the cash.

《北京晚报》报道,10月9日,一份《富士康调研报告》由内地及港台高校师生联合发布。报告细举了富士康管理中的数宗“罪”,直指强制加班、漠视职业安 全、压力巨大的工作环境等,是富士康“连环跳”事件的祸首。调查结论不仅来自富士康位于深圳、昆山等12个厂区的1736份问卷调查,更有14名调查团成 员以打工者的身份、卧底富士康的生活体验作为依据。


富士康员工依赖加班才能维持生活。75%的工人“月平均休息天数”为4 天,73.3%的工人“日均工作时间”在10小时以上,但对于提高收入的帮助甚微。跳楼事件之后,富士康宣布整体加薪30%,然而增加的部分立刻就因奖金 减少以及周边房租上涨而抵消。本月初,富士康再次高调宣布加薪100%,不过对于许多员工来讲,兑现的日子显得很遥远。


据《人民日报》报道,云南省昆明警方破获了一起特大房地产诈骗案。此房产冠名为“滨 湖国际生态城”,由云南君信投资有限公司投资。但是,据警方介绍,投资商原来是家皮包公司。由于房子价格低廉,再加上房地产中介和媒体的宣传推广,2千多 当地市民及40家单位上当受骗,涉案资金约3亿元。警方已逮捕公司董事长杨庆荣在内的16名嫌疑人,冻结了1.8亿元资金。


据《京华时报》报道,魅族手机M8因外观类似苹果iPhone,正面临专利侵权方面的问题。魅族老总J. Wong在网络论坛中称,M8将被迫停产。M8作为魅族目前唯一一款手机,被誉为“中国最成功手机产品”,而它的接替者M9则要到今年12月才会上市。







一泡尿 一条命



Report details Foxconn's faults

A report on Foxconn by university teachers and students from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan was published on Oct. 9th, Beijing Evening News reports. The report details Foxconn's managerial shortcomings, including obligatory overtime, poor workplace safety, and excessive work pressure, which, it says, contributed to the serial suicides. The findings are based on 1,736 questionnaires completed in 12 Foxconn plants in Shenzhen, Kunshan and elsewhere. Fourteen investigators obtained first-hand information by working undercover in the plants.

Li Jing was one of the undercover investigators. She said Foxconn implements a strict administrative code of conduct. Any violation of discipline is harshly punished and the work manual lists 127 punishable offences. Supervisors often yell at subordinates even though it is prohibited by the manual.

Foxconn workers rely on overtime to make a living wage. Around 75% only have 4 rest days per month, and 73.3 percent work more than 10 hours a day. But the rewards are poor. Foxconn announced salary increases of 30 percent following the suicides, but the increase was swallowed up by cancellation of bonuses and increased rents. Earlier this month, Foxconn said it was implementing a 100 percent pay rise, but most employees have little chance of seeing the cash.

Property scam cracked

The police have cracked a large real estate scheme in Kunming, Yunnan Province, the People's Daily reports. The project, dubbed "International Lakeside Eco-city," was funded by a company called Yunnan Junxin Investment Co. Ltd. However, it turned out to be a bogus company, police said. With lower prices and promotions from housing agencies and the press, the scam succeeded in luring over 2,000 local citizens and 40 organizations and swindling some 300 million yuan. The police have detained 16 suspects including the company's chairman, Yang Qingrong, and froze 180 million yuan.

Meizu faces patent infringement

Meizu's cellphone product M8 is facing patent infringement charges for resembling Apple's iPhone in appearance, the Beijing Times reports, quoting Meizu's boss, J. Wong, who said in a web forum that the production of this model now faces suspension. M8, the only cellphone product of Meizu, is hailed as the most successful Chinese cellphone. Its successor, the M9, won't hit the market until December.

Top 500 Private Enterprises

Shagang Group, Suning Appliance, and Lenovo have claimed the top three places on the Top 500 Private Enterprises in China 2010, Chongqing Evening News reports. Shagang Group, the steel company in Jiangsu Province, has been on the top for two consecutive years.

Civil servant recruitment to start

According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, more than 16,000 civil-service posts will be open to the public. The recruitment goes from Oct. 15 to 24, reports.

Hainan evacuates 440,000 residents

More than 440,000 people were evacuated by Sunday as floods wreaked havoc in Hainan Province, Xinhua reports. The floods have disrupted the lives of 2.7 million people in 16 cities and counties on the island and the affected area accounted for 90 percent of Hainan's total territory.

Plastic knife, deadly weapon

At 2:00 a.m. on Oct. 1, 2009 in Zhengzhou, Hennan Province, Yang He went to an underground garage to drive home. As he exited the elevator, he saw two men urinating nearby. He attempted to persuade them from urinating so close to the elevator. According to Yang, one of the men attacked him, and he used a plastic knife to defend himself, but stabbed the man to death, the Henan Business Daily reported. Yesterday, Zhengzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced Yang to three years in prison with a five year reprieve.